Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Took Lola and ran away to CT for the weekend.
Helped Pam sort, file paperwork and the all the detritus of everyday life.
Lola barked at Scout and Scout happily ignored it.
Larkin was sick.
Spencer showed me videos of him running.
Trevor played on the computer.
Slept in the new cozy guest room.
Kelsey got in to Sigma Kappa and showed us her new dorm room on skype.
Pam and I did ancestry searches all day Monday.
Came home late, not until Tuesday morning. Had to catch up on work and missed casting class.
Lola was exhausted and slept the rest of the day.
Happy to be home, sad to see the last of Nashi's footprints by the door.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Monday, January 23, 2012

I keep forgetting I have a blog.

Lots of stuff happened last week.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

1 year today in the little red brick house

On January 12th, 2011 I signed the papers for my darling house. Hard to believe I've been here a full year. Since my camera is broken I can't commemorate it with any actual photos so this image will have to do.

Me signing the mortgage papers. As you can see I finally did my hair for once.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Studio time on Tuesday, skull almost finished but I am putting it away for now. My camera is broken otherwise I would have slathered the post with zoomy close-ups of my superb soldering skills.

Any suggestions on new camera? Something inexpensive with extreme close-up and zoom capabilities?

Dragged the treadmill out of the laundry (sans laundry machine) slash dog room last night. It was crammed in there since the day I moved and has been successfully collecting dust ever since. I manhandled it out and into the living room. There it sits starting round two of dust collecting since I discovered the magnetic key was missing after I moved the 2,000 lb machine. Delightful.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy 2012!

I am back.
I left after becoming slightly repulsed by blogging about myself every day, apparently there is only so much self-absorption I can handle, (oddly I thought I was made of much more shallow stuff) turns out even I have a limit to talking about me.

So I'm approaching this with a different mindset because I realize I do miss having a record of everything that has been going on. I am hoping that if I think of this more as a daily calender of events and less as a mildly entertaining blog about me I will be more successful. I will also assume no one will be interested in following it.


Welcome back red brick house and happy new year!