Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Any way you slice it

Rick makes beautiful furniture and will often take clients to the saw mill to see their wood being cut. I got lucky and was able to tag along this time.

This is the back of the saw mill.
What a gorgeous day. 

Today there were three massive logs to be cut. 
First they had to trim them to make the logs as straight as possible.

Measuring to make sure the log will fit under the blade.

The first log to be moved over to the saw.

Logs lined up waiting to be rolled onto the saw bed.

The saw blades are massive.

Measure twice, cut once!

The blade moving across the top of the log.

Pulling the board off the top.

Look at that beautiful wood!

Here is my mom with her earplugs in waiting for the next log to be loaded.

The third log was so massive it had to be placed directly on the saw bed.

Look how big those boards are!

The boards are moved and will be dried for almost a year before they can be used.
Thus ends your Richard Scarry-esq tutorial on how a log becomes a board.
You're welcome.

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