Tuesday, November 27, 2012

First snow

I raked the leaves last night at 8:30 when I found out it was going to snow today.
I am feeling like a smart cookie.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Grandma's bureau

I have this lovely bureau that has been passed around for years between my mother, my sister and myself. My mother remembers her mother having it and we don't know how much further back it goes. Every time someone has the perfect spot for it and the present owner no longer needs it, the bureau gets driven across state lines to it's new home. This time the bureau came to PA with me and I think it's going to stay here for a long time. 

Years ago my father stripped the paint off the top and the face of the first drawer. At some point it mysteriously lost a drawer knob and it has it's fair share of chips and scratches with a few child inflicted marker scrawls for flair. I love the unusual proportions; deep, short and narrow. I felt it was time to clean it up and after getting my mother's permission (technically it is still hers) and hoping my grandmother would approve, I painted it white.

Rick sanded the top as it had a big shellac spot and then he patched a few places with wood putty. I sanded the rest and discovered it had been painted three times before. My mom found new drawer knobs at Home Goods for next to nothing and I even have a few extra if one disappears again. I used high gloss white paint, the same paint I used on the bathroom cabinet since you can see in the master bathroom from the bedroom.

I am so happy with how it turned out! I think Grandma would be pleased.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lola is a star!

Lola made it on to my favorite website.


Fame has immediately gone to her head and she now refuses to enter any room without being announced, dinner must be warmed but not hot, new blankets in cream color only and please, no direct eye contact.

Monday, November 19, 2012


We went to CT this past weekend to see my nephew perform in Beauty and the Beast as Cogsworth. He was fantastic and very funny, the audience really got a kick out of his performance so it wasn't just me as a proud auntie thinking he was aces. Afterwards we went out for Shirley Temples with extra maraschino cherries and Chinese food, Grandma's treat.

Cogsworth sans makeup and costume

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dame Dorothy

My friend took me out for a lovely belated birthday lunch. Being served steaming hot lasagna with freshly made noodles after eating cold, canned food for several days had me practically blinking back tears. We were so thoroughly warmed after the lasagna we took advantage of the free birthday ice cream and cake. Do you see that cake? It tasted even better than it looks, especially since it came with a dish of raspberry sauce, as if it wasn't rich enough already. 

How fantastic is my friend? She is in her mid eighties and does more than I can manage to in a day. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Barnes Foundation

What an unusual museum. I was completely overwhelmed and needed more time. So many, many paintings and items to look at. A few more trips are needed.

Wall outside museum. Even the plants grow in inspiring, creative ways.

Gorgeous low pond filled with river rocks in front of museum entry.

These Hans J. Wegner Wing chairs are my new obsession. They are massive and obscenely comfortable, I moaned audibly when I sat down. I rushed home and found them on DWR. 
Only $5,260.00 each. The ottoman is a steal at $1,740.00

One of my favorite paintings at The Barnes.

We ate at the Parc Brasserie. Please go so I have someone to talk with in borderline pornographic terms about their creme brulee. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Trick-or-Treat night was postponed due to hurricane Sandy and I was either preparing for the storm or cleaning up after it and never got around to carving the pumpkins. Just before the trick-or-treaters came I managed to draw a face on the jack-o-lantern. It mirrored how I was feeling.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy knocked out the power for several days but thankfully not much else at my house. Lola and I huddled under the blankets to keep warm. The power came back on late Halloween night so I woke up warm and toasty on my birthday. Best gift ever.