Monday, November 26, 2012

Grandma's bureau

I have this lovely bureau that has been passed around for years between my mother, my sister and myself. My mother remembers her mother having it and we don't know how much further back it goes. Every time someone has the perfect spot for it and the present owner no longer needs it, the bureau gets driven across state lines to it's new home. This time the bureau came to PA with me and I think it's going to stay here for a long time. 

Years ago my father stripped the paint off the top and the face of the first drawer. At some point it mysteriously lost a drawer knob and it has it's fair share of chips and scratches with a few child inflicted marker scrawls for flair. I love the unusual proportions; deep, short and narrow. I felt it was time to clean it up and after getting my mother's permission (technically it is still hers) and hoping my grandmother would approve, I painted it white.

Rick sanded the top as it had a big shellac spot and then he patched a few places with wood putty. I sanded the rest and discovered it had been painted three times before. My mom found new drawer knobs at Home Goods for next to nothing and I even have a few extra if one disappears again. I used high gloss white paint, the same paint I used on the bathroom cabinet since you can see in the master bathroom from the bedroom.

I am so happy with how it turned out! I think Grandma would be pleased.

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