Sunday, June 5, 2011


I love my new bench.
Love, love, love!
I have been looking for months for the perfect bench to go next to the kitchen door, I have a pile of catalogs dog-eared on the bench pages. All the benches were either too fancy, too big, too high, too short or not the right color. I had no idea there were so many bench styles out there and apparently I was chasing the most elusive one, which is to say, inexpensive. And then I went to Home Goods with my mom and there it was. Just sitting there all appropriately priced and perfect.

Now you can't have just a bench. You need some flowers. And as long as I have been searching for a bench to put by the kitchen door my mom has been looking for pots to put flowers in by the kitchen door. And she found them, also all appropriately priced and perfect. After a very much needed lesson on how to plant in these giant pots (thank goodness because I would have dumped an entire jumbo bag of planting soil in each...) I now have the prettiest flower pots and bench combo going.

They are each planted with a gardenia tree and petunias. I can't wait for the gardenias to bloom! And thank you Mom!

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