Friday, June 10, 2011

Fish Hatchery

The fish hatchery was on the list of must-do-activities every summer as a kid. It couldn't be more basic, just a dozen or so cement tanks in the ground filled with different types of trout at various ages, it's smelly and dirty and not very pretty to look at. But you get to feed the fish. And the fish go crazy. And there are so many fish. That's what makes this place so great.

We took E there for the first time and I was way too excited for my age. I could not wait to feed the fish (thank you Sarah for buying me my own bag of fish food).

E and his mom checking out the fish.

Feeding the fish.

Ahhh! Crazy fish swarm!

So many trout.

Jumping on the metal plates turned out to be much more exciting.

Running to the big fish sculpture. 

Stalking the ducks.

A well deserved ice cream break from the intense heat.

Let the trout have their pellets, ice cream wins the day.

I can't wait to go again next year!

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