Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy chickens = happy carnivore

Every Sunday morning just down the road there is a local farmers market selling fruit, vegetables, flowers, baked goods, poultry, meat, eggs, jams, salsas, cheese, with lots of happy people filling their baskets. One of the vendors is a chicken farmer who's birds are pasture raised on organic fields and grain. The chickens live in portable coops and are moved frequently around the fields. The birds are raised and butchered humanely, this concept has become very important to me. When you start hearing about bad animal farming practices and what really goes on at many farms it is terribly disturbing, so much so I could no longer read about it and I was very conflicted about eating meat. 

I started to read about farms that practice humane animal farming and butchering. The animals live the most natural life they can and the butchering is done in a way that causes the least amount of physical and mental trauma. This makes for a happy animal which makes me a happy carnivore.

Meals made from this weeks purchases:
Happy roast chicken
Patted dry, inside and out, seasoned with salt, pepper and stuffed with onion, orange, garlic, fresh rosemary sprigs and fresh thyme. Baked at 450 degrees until juices run clear. 

Happy eggs my way
Pocketless pita warmed, topped with sauteed spinach and two eggs over easy.

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