Friday, April 13, 2012

Since last time

Since posting last, the house has gotten very messy, then messier, then it was so bad I had to pick everything up out of shame but then it got messy again. 
Easter was happily ignored this year.
Had several zombie/Apocalypse nightmares and one last night where I lost Lola.
Haven't been on the treadmill this week, might explain why I am a bit blue. 
Picked up sticks, raked and mowed the lawn. 
Forgot to take out recycling last week, newspapers piling up. 
Three more boxes made their way up from the basement.
Etsy shop to be opening soon, will announce grand opening hopefully next week. 
New painting project underway, will post before and after when done. 
Made 76 curried chicken roll-ups for museum luncheon fundraiser. 
And of course sent in my taxes, probably the real reason I'm feeling a bit blue.

Hope the first half of April has been good to you!

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