Friday, March 30, 2012

Bathroom fix up

The cherry stained cabinets and dark green granite look great in my kitchen but they used the same materials for the master bathroom.  Bleck. It was driving me crazy, something had to be done.

I have a "can of paint" budget rather than a "carrera marble" budget so off to Home Depot I went. A quart of paint and two rollers later I was ready for my first painting project on the new home. My mother who for years has been painting everything that stands still long enough gave me a quick tutorial along with a much needed drop cloth and a brush to get all the places a roller can't.

I thought it would be a quick weekend project but with in-between-coats-drying-time it extended over two weeks. And today I finally put all the doors and drawers back up. I am thrilled!

This is what it looked like originally. Sorry I didn't clean off the top!

Here it is in the process of being painted. 
Looks better already.

All done! What a difference.

1 comment:

  1. Martha would be so proud. Did you paint the wall behind, too, or does it just look sunnier with the white cabinetry?
