Tuesday, June 19, 2012

NY Botanical Gardens

I just realized I never posted anything about the NY Botanical Garden trip we took at the end of May, what's up with that?

The NYBG recreated part of Monet's gardens, or a tribute inspired by his gardens. I gasped when I got my first glimpse, the amount of flowers and the array of colors they were able to mush into such a small space made me giddy.

Quick! To the photos!

These photos do not do justice and show only one teeny tiny portion of all the flowers. Unfortunately the photos were taken with my cell phone because I FORGOT my camera. What a dork.

Thankfully a very clever person remembered her camera and let me have some of the beautiful photos she took of the lily ponds.

The lily ponds were huge and had massive koi swimming about. Sadly no photos of the white koi who looked like an ancient sea monster and seemed to follow me as I walked around the perimeter. He was either hoping for a snack or was trying to blink out a message with his big fishy eyes.

There was a privately owned painting on loan for the exhibit which I don't think had been displayed publicly before. It was painted later in Monet's life and they say his cataracts effected his color choice as it was a much darker color pallet than he usually used. It was beautiful, I think the most beautiful of all his iris paintings.

OK one more photo and then I'll stop. 
This was in the rock garden, again terrible phone photo. This waterfall was beautiful. The rock garden, well you know... rocked. Sorry, like I said I'm a dork.

It rained almost the entire time which is no surprise as all outdoor tours I take seem to be shrouded in heavy clouds, fog or downpours. Regardless we had a fantastic time.

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