Sunday, June 3, 2012

Things that go bump in the night

More like scratch and thump and bump.

Something is crawling around in the walls and scratching, scratching, scratching. It wakes me up in the middle of the night with my heart in my throat. I get up and pound on the walls and it scurries away. That's when I realize just how close this wall demon really is, standing completely still in the dark with my ear as close to the wall as I dare put it, I am separated from this mystery creature by only the thickness of the drywall. And the way it is scratching I fear it is moments from breaking through.

At 2 am in the dark it sounds like this:

It must be a capybara in my wall. 

Perhaps this photo better depicts the size of these 150 lb rodents:

Apparently it is desperately scratching at my walls trying to 
break through so it can either sit on my lap (see above) or eat me. Or both.

Critter Control is coming to investigate. I hope the drywall holds up until then.

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