Monday, July 11, 2011

Basement woes

Remember that big rain? It all ended up in my basement. It whooshed in from the outside basement stairs and two spots in the foundation. 

The gutters are not hung right and all the water cascades down the outside basement door and also floods the ground right next to the basement wall until it is so saturated it pours in through my 109 year old stone foundation.

I just stood on the steps and watched it flow across the floor. When it stopped raining I swept (uphill) as much water as I could into the drain and I've been running 2 dehumidifiers since. And it sorta smells.

No photo, it was too depressing. 

I contacted someone today to come out and look at it. I'll keep you updated. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. OH...UGH...BLAH. I'm so sorry. Hopefully the repair man will have a solution for you. Keep me posted.
