Monday, July 18, 2011

Blueberry Festival

Let's go to the Blueberry Festival. Is it hot outside? Yes. Oh good. Very, very hot? Indeed. Let's go then!

Beautiful split rail fence leads down to the plantation.

Trying to hide from the kids.

The fairgrounds opened up into a huge willow lined field.

Enormous lengths of cloth hanging in the rafters.

An inside view of a slate roof.

Garden of my dreams.

Garden gate with cannon ball weight.

Must have this garden house. MUST. HAVE.

The guides were fantastic. I have no idea how they remained 
conscious and upright in the heat while dressed in full costume.

Hotter inside than out.

We did buy a blueberry pie when we left and they did have a seminar on blueberries but other than that I have no idea why they call it the blueberry festival, and it isn't historically relevant since the plantation never actually grew blueberries. But after eating a slice of the best blueberry pie ever I didn't really much care.

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