Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I am solderer hear me roar

Today I soldered.
I have been hoping to learn how to solder for way over a year and I keep signing up for classes but something always happens and I never get to do it.

Well now I've done it.
It's not pretty but it doesn't matter, I have lit the torch and melted the solder and now you have to see the photos.

I signed up for a class at a Penn State satellite campus which is gorgeous. 

The studio is brand new. 
No one is in yet because I am the nerd who always shows up early. 

Our very cool professor showing us how to use the torch.

My two soldered joints!

Please inspect the fine line of solder on my T-joint.

Notice the equally fine and even silver solder around 
the edges of my Sweat-joint.

I can not wait for next class so I can use my amazing soldering skills to create more amazing soldering masterpieces.

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