Saturday, July 16, 2011


Drove to CT to see one of my nieces and two of my nephews perform in a musical my sister produced for the local children's theater company. Left PA early in the day and spent the afternoon running errands in my old state and was reminded of all the little life events I experienced as I drove through my old stomping grounds.

After an early dinner we stumbled upon a car show and saw some beautiful cars, like this gorgeous, meticulously restored Thunderbird.

This car would look great on me.

The musical was great, hysterical. The kids were full of confidence and sang their hearts out. They really put on a fantastic show. Driving back to PA I was a bit depressed to be leaving them and CT but when I got home to my happy little red brick house and my two always-delirious-to-see-me dogs I was glad once again to be in PA.

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