Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Hex wrench diaries

After the Hoarders tv show marathon earlier in the week I went into freak-out mode and went through all my closets and made a huge mess. It's one thing to pull everything out and sort through it but another thing entirely to repack and put away. Apparently I need work on the "putting away" skill.

My office is on the third floor of the house and for the past six months, since I moved, my office has consisted of my desk, computer, printer and 16 boxes of stuff. I couldn't shake the feeling that the Hoarders camera crew were lurking around the corner so I decided enough was enough. Off to my weekend house or as some people refer to it; IKEA. I picked up five storage units and a new catalog. I spent 2 days building the units (I think I am the only person who actually enjoys putting IKEA furniture together) and unpacking the boxes. I am very sorry I didn't take before and after photos, the transformation was very satisfying.

Continuing on the Hoarders theme, if you have ever seen the show you know someone is always tripping, slipping, falling or tumbling over 8 foot high piles of garbage through out the house. Obligingly I loaded my arms up with as much as I could carry down the stairs and managed to, surprise, trip and stove my toe. 


Couldn't walk for the rest of the day. 

The following day I woke up and just HAD to cut the lawn NOW.  After all the batteries were drained from the weed-wacker and lawnmower I hobbled inside and peeled off my shoes and socks to discover my toe had been replaced by a ham. 

Couldn't walk for the next two days.

S'ok, I spent the time reviewing the IKEA catalogue. If anyone wants to come with me to my weekend house I'll be leaving at dawn on Friday. 

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