Thursday, August 11, 2011

License to Ill

You have 30 days upon moving to PA to get a new license, after 6 months I figured I was pushing my luck and I better get it taken care of. How hard could it be?

I researched and printed and highlighted and made folders of everything I could possibly need to get my PA license. Thoroughly prepared I drove off early in the morning to get there moments before the doors would be thrown open to greet the smiling faces of potential PA drivers. 

I arrived ten minutes before the facility opened and the line already snaked around the front and side of the building. I took my place in line and waited. It took 30 minutes before I set foot into the outer lobby, another 10 minutes to make it through the front doors where I was greeted with a sign that said NO CASH. CHECKS and MONEY ORDERS ONLY.

You have got to be kidding. Curse word curse word curse word. I never carry my checkbook. It never said anything about this on the thousands of pages I scoured on the dmv PA state website. I can hear my checkbook at home laughing at me. 

Fine. I'll be back tomorrow with checkbook in hand. I'm resilient, no problem.

This time I leave half an hour early so I can be first in line before they open. 18 people are already in line when I pull up. 30 minutes later the doors open to a rather dour group of potential drivers and we begin to shuffle forward. 10 minutes later I get my numbered ticket, another 30 minutes and I am called to the window where the woman barely glances at my documents and tells me I have the wrong version of my birth certificate. This just can not be happening, there has got to be a way to make this work. 


Back to the house I drive, where the other copy of my birth certificate is in hysterics and can't wait to tell the checkbook all about it. 

And back to the PA dmv where a surly group of dangerous looking people who I hope are never allowed to drive a vehicle are loitering outside. The clerk was kind enough to let me back to her desk without waiting again and after many photocopies, signatures, eye test and paper shuffling I was allowed to pass through to the photo center where I received my new license which shows me looking dazed, slightly incompetent but relieved. 

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