Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 14

Today is the final day of phase one. 
I survived. 
I made it through with two very small cheats, I ate a handful of dried fruit one night and one evening added part of a pack of taco seasoning to some ground beef. I would have put money on me making a fast break for the donut shop around 7 hours in. 

The agony of the past 14 days is about to be rewarded. I now enter phase two where the restrictions are loosened. I have been counting down the days until tomorrow. I am barely exaggerating when I say I may not be able to sleep tonight in anticipation, my mouth is starting to salivate as I type this knowing that tomorrow I will be allowed to eat: 

one small potato

Half of me is "are f*@#ing kidding me?" and the other is "ohmygosh, thank you, thank you!"

Both halves will devour that stinkin' little potato at breakfast.

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