Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Look, I'm all for vegetables. Go broccoli. I love a giant pile of baby arugula. Asparagus delights me. Red peppers, radicchio, romaine lettuce all get my support. Cabbage, snow peas, zucchini and tomatoes are my friends. But when suddenly you can no longer mix them with some fluffy mashed potatoes, or smash them between slices of bread or drizzle them with a little olive oil and salt or follow them up with dessert, you grow to resent them. When they become 90% of what you eat they suddenly do not amuse you, beckon to you, seduce you like they did when they were mixed with some pasta.

Yes I know it's for two weeks only. But let me know when you've been on this cleanse for 4 days straight, then we'll talk about "only two weeks".


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