Thursday, March 29, 2012

I have touched every piece of paper in my house

My files are glorious, my filing cabinet – a work of art. 

I have spent several weekends going through all my papers, every last crumpled receipt. 

95% of everything that was clogging my old files, closets, purse, and kitchen counter has been shredded. The remaining 5% are filed, labeled and hanging neatly and submissively in my filing cabinet. All color coordinated of course in pale grey and white.

And my receipts! After the date and total has been highlighted on incoming receipts they go into their tabbed section of the newly labeled accordion folder, then all the receipts for each month are stapled together once a new month begins. I am breathlessly awaiting April 1st.

Need to check the insurance policy? No problem, back in a jiff. Utilities? Business receipts? Dog care? Investments? Upcoming events? Coupons? I can get them with only two fingers and one eye open. 

I pounce on the mailman when he comes, will it go to the shredder or be filed? Who knows, this is so exciting! I am less interested in what I actually buy now and more excited when I get to highlight and file the receipt.

I am the file queen, bow down your folders before me.

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