Tuesday, March 6, 2012

This sucks

Otherwise known in happier circles as a "two week cleanse"

Day three: 
constantly hungry (But not as bad as day 1 and 2 where I was prowling around, looking at everything as a potential food source. Everything.)

I used to be healthy, overly healthy. So healthy I became unhealthy. Then when there was so much work stress and no health left I crashed onto a bed of Cheetos and a pillow of doughnuts. Depression, weight gain, sickness all came to visit and never left. 

Good bye toxic job, now I work for myself. I love my boss.
Good bye sad condo, hello little red brick house. I love my house.
And now it's time to say goodbye to all the toxins inside me and go back to healthy me. Which is very difficult. Eating a Cheeto is easy. Not eating a Cheeto is very, very hard. 

I am very aware of every second I am not eating. And when I am eating I am very aware of what I am not eating. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my... I understand. No one, and I mean no one, has ever shown the willpower that you have shown. I can testify to that. I wish you good health and happiness. Bad stuff, begone!
